Equipment and or cable break in is dependant on the sorcing of the materials used in thier construction (but basiclly most are composed with high quality to start with). I have recently upgraded my system and even though the componets had been broken in (pre enjoyed componets) it took 40 or more listening hours for them to readjust to my enviroment (much to my releif) but I was very wary in the process. My ICs/speaker cables take more time UNLESS the manufactuer does some pre conditioning for you (Ex. Ridge Street Audio Poeima!! Sig ICs plus material are top quality). Prior as I have broken in ICs and Speaker cables I found that it took into the 100+ hours and then I began to hear the real bloom and enjoyment of what I had anticipated, and still they seem to just keep getting better. I can attest that I have the usual short patience wanting the bloom to appear and yes sometimes it just doesn't (been there too and started again from scratch). I would say new electronics need at least 50hrs of use before they start relaxing to show their true potential, Cables pre conditioned can be immediate and just get better, non conditioned minimum 50-100hrs to open and settle MHO. I've been mostly lucky with my choices, I hope that your pursuit is also as successful