I'd like to add to what I wrote earlier this a.m.
Although having a talk w/this fellow seems like it could possibly work out, if it doesn't & there's subsequent enforcement, guess who he's going to remember as having a problem w/his truck? Unfortunately, one of the worst human traits is being vindictive, so since the cycle of complaints has already started, I would keep trying to use the system for now.
I owned my own truck for 10 yrs. & parked it right in my driveway w/o problems from my neighbors & wouldn't want an idling truck across the street from me either. If it doesn't have a reefer unit, I don't understand why this fellow lets his truck idle all the time, although I have a few ideas. Engine wear isn't a consideration, although if I were stopping for 10 minutes or so, I wouldn't shut the engine off.
Regardless of who owns the truck, it should have a name on it somewhere along with a DOT number, although some states don't require a US DOT number if the truck is only used for intrastate purposes. Even with that, there should be some kind of identifying # and if used for interstate travel, should have an IFTA sticker.
I'm mentioning all this because I know CA is very interested in collecting fuel tax money from every truck on the highway, so if it doesn't have the necessary permits, there are some state agencies who would be very interested in this truck.
Several yrs. ago I had some neighbors (actually I prefer to just say the people next door) who disrupted the tranquility of our area for an entire year. I, along with other neighbors, used "the system" and eventually were able to force the homeowner, who was renting, to sell his property. I came very close to doing something I'd still be paying for if I used alternative methods, although if it happened again, I'm not sure how I'd react.
Bottom line is you can prevail, although it may take some effort on your part.