Man, am i losing my hearing?

I gotta get my hearing checked!

I swear i hear things as well as i used to, but as time goes on i feel i have a hard time distinguishing what is being said. Seems like i am having a hard time making sence of what i hear.

Ive recently started seeing a new girl, and i swear she mumbles from time to time. She has been giving me crap about it latley.

I'm only 28, my hearing was excellent back when i was in the military, but it has been a while since ive had a test.

Whats the point in spending thousands on a stereo system if you cannot distinguish the subtle nuances anymore?



Havent talked to you all in a while, been too busy with the car and the new girlie. Looks like i might score a free 14lb Vortech Supercharger for the ol Mustang. Will have to redo the fuel hoses and fuel pump, and it will void my warranty, but an extra dyno'ed 184+ RWHP? Crap! That will put roughly 394-400 horses at the wheels!!!!!!
How could i turn that down? hell, i bet i could pull a low 12 second 1/4 mile in this altitude! maybe low 11's at sea level!

or maybe that is a bad idea? ROFL
Wait until your 50.
It does have it's pluses.
Like when the Mrs. tries talking to me.
Ah, horsepower does corrupt the soul! I remember when I had the SS tricked all out, man she could fly. Those were the good ol' days 4 sure. My next door neighbor has a V-12 Ferrari and a V-12 Maserati, man they are like being in a rocket ship, gives a new meaning to the words zoom, zoom, zoom. Luckily I have a family member gold shield to use for those tender times in need. Put your hands where I can see them and get out of the car!

Fly high my friend but keep a low profile.

As for the new girlie, as the saying goes, make love, not war my friend, because who the hell cares what she is saying!

Happy Listening and all.
Glad to have you back here Slappy. You said you were in the military. Did you have anything to do with morter shells or rocket launchers? These can have a drastic effect on hearing. I knew someone that was in the military and fired morter shells--lots of them. Whenever he talked to people he used a very loud voice. If you didn't speak loudly back to him he would ask you to repeat it. My guess is his hearing was about 30% as sensitive as most other people in their mid 30s.

Another interesting thing I've found out about myself has to do with excercise. If I don't excercise my hearing, particularly high frequency falls off. If I get into a very strong and disciplined regimin for a few weeks--my system actually sounds a bit shrill to me. Has anyone else every experienced this? When I first discovered it I thought I was losing my hearing, and found out it was because I had not kept up with a good workout routine. As soon as I got back to a good routine my hearing went back to what it was. Since then, I've actually tried to see if I can reproduce the effect, and oddly enough I can, but also realize a certain portion of that is psychoacoustics (or me just being plain nuts--but aren't we all a little bit in this hobby).
To go along with what Rives said, even M16's can mess you up because they are so close to the ears. At least that seemed to be my experience..many many years ago. And as others have said,, wait till you hit or pass 50! Say what?
ROFL you guys are great, its good to hear from you all again, i gotta get back on the audio wagon.