System Pictures - Should Owner be there too?

I always enjoy looking at some of the systems here. Some are far beyond an obsession as far as I can see, and I've been jealous of many. Screw the owner's wife (pun intended), I covet his system!
What I've rarely seen in these shots is the system owner. OK, I suspect that's probably for the better, and I'll regret the day I mention this, but in the grand scheme of things, should we want to include a picture of the proud owner so we get to know each other a little better?
Or maybe we can see that the lucky owner of that beautiful system is ugly as sin, so now we know why he wastes all his time and money obsessing with his electronic toy.
So - what do you think - should owner's picture tweaking something on his system become the norm? Who'll be the first?
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There are 3 pics of me smattered around my system page including one where I'm chugging a pitcher of lager. What more could you want LOL.

Of course I have a hat on in all of them so as not to give anyone a heart attack.
Hey, not all of us are pale! Or old? Or overweight? Or bald? Or even white!? Oops, I don't resemble that statement, sorry!