7/7 London

To Audiogon members residing in Britain, particularly in London, my thoughts are with you in the aftermath of yesterday's despicable, horrific events. We must all stand firm in our resolve against the actions of a small group of fanatics intent on causing us fear and harm.
I can sadly say that I've now lived through two terrorist attacks. I was in NY for 9/11, which was and remains a life-changing experience. I'm currently finishing up a dissertation in London, and one bomb went off at the station near my house, and a second one ripped open a bus right near my university. The scary thing is, that a lot of those interviewed on the TV recommended what Ashcroft did after 9/11: resume your normal lives, go shopping, etc.; we can't show the terrorists they've affected us. I'm not trying to open a huge political issue here (but I obviously will be), but maybe we should re-evalue some of what we do. I mean, fumbles like Iraq only prompt further bloodshed. It's good to see we're winning the war on terror, eh George.

What's funny is that I've now been through more combat than he has, and he's leading our army.
My thoughts and prayers are with our English friends, they are but one nation on the infamous shortlist (Canada is on the list too). My view is these attacks are no less serious than the 9/11 tradgedy; many innocent died and even more seriously injured. When 9/11 took place this board was flooded with sentiments. C'mon folks NIMB doesn't cut it.

As for politicians and GWB in particluar, like most things they have to be REALLY bad before they get better i.e. replaced by competent people. I pray there are no more terror attacks anywhere in the world, the senseless loss of life isn't buying the terrorists any sympathy or support.
I was wondering how long it would take for an attack on ol W to pop up on this thread. Not long.

What does Iraq have to do with this?

Before you point out what you think is the obvious, consider this:

I'm sure many folks firmly believe that Iraq is the greatest Jihad training camp of all time, provided by us to the Islamists. But:

September 11, 2001, we weren't in Iraq. That attack was YEARS in the making- long before Bush entered office. That attack was about:

1. Bin Laden was very pissed at the Saudis for turning down his offer to drive the Iraqis from Kuwait instead of bringing in American Infidels.

2. Consequently, The US Infidels gained a presence in Saudi Arabia.

3. Bin Laden holds the US in the highest contempt, and will use any excuse and methodology to destroy us.

How would you win the war on terror Mimberman? Bin Laden recently stated that his goal is the re-establishment of the Caliphate. Kind of a long term goal that pretty much screams "fuck you" at the entire Western world wouldn't you say?

Why don't we grieve for our friends in the UK and focus on the guys attacking the west?
I know this might sound odd, but I think if all of us guys spent more time looking at more then just pretty gals when we are out, we may just pick up on an important clue and save alot of people from going thru a horrible event.
I am not sure how many know this but James Woods (the actor) was on a plane in July of 2001 and saw some Arab men who really spooked him, he reported the event and a few days after 9/11 the FBI showed up at his house because a file was opened on what he reported....he was able to identify I think 3 of the 9/11 Hijackers before the faces were released for all to see, now maybe my memory is off on the date or number of highjackers he identified, but this story was told in his own words..and it was pretty chilling, he saw something wrong before anyone had an idea of the hell 9/11 would put us through. My father just came out of WTC when plane first hit, when they left the office he was in near the WTC the first tower fell and he was caught in that huge cloud of destruction, nobody in my family could get a call into his cell phone....for six long hours nobody knew if he was ok (his office is now in New Jersey). I just hope we all still look at all the little things...it may make a big diffrence!