I can sadly say that I've now lived through two terrorist attacks. I was in NY for 9/11, which was and remains a life-changing experience. I'm currently finishing up a dissertation in London, and one bomb went off at the station near my house, and a second one ripped open a bus right near my university. The scary thing is, that a lot of those interviewed on the TV recommended what Ashcroft did after 9/11: resume your normal lives, go shopping, etc.; we can't show the terrorists they've affected us. I'm not trying to open a huge political issue here (but I obviously will be), but maybe we should re-evalue some of what we do. I mean, fumbles like Iraq only prompt further bloodshed. It's good to see we're winning the war on terror, eh George.
What's funny is that I've now been through more combat than he has, and he's leading our army.
What's funny is that I've now been through more combat than he has, and he's leading our army.