7/7 London

To Audiogon members residing in Britain, particularly in London, my thoughts are with you in the aftermath of yesterday's despicable, horrific events. We must all stand firm in our resolve against the actions of a small group of fanatics intent on causing us fear and harm.
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London.

God bless and protect our troops. God help our government and all those who elected this simple minded corporate puppet.

The war in Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11. The threat that Iraq may have WMD, was bogus. In 1990 we easily entered Iraq, and destroyed their infrastructure and army within weeks. If they had WMD they would have used it. Then for the next ten years with UN inspections and sanctions, Iraq was in far less of a position to develop WMD, then prior to the first Iraq war. They didn't even have the capacity to fire an effective scud missle into Israel (their neighbor), let alone threaten the US.

Somehow, the republicans who bashed Clinton from day one (and continue to do so), can't handle any criticism of GWB. They impeached a president for lying about a consentual affair. But leave alone a president whose lies have caused thousands of innocent peole to die.

The world is not a safer place due to GWB's foreign policies. The earth is not a healthier planet due to GWB environmental policies. And a woman's right to choose is now on the chopping block, as it's payback time to the religious right for electing GWB.

But all is not gloom and doom. Halburton (Chaney's company) and the oil industry have much to gain from our occupation and puppet adminstration in Iraq.

The Iraqi government was elected- it's not a puppet.

Clinton was not impeached for a consensual affair- Clinton was impeached for perjury.

I agree that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11.

Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, Richard Clark- all believed Sadamm was hiding something, probably some form of WMD. Bush had no need to make the crap up- the CIA had passed on bad intel to every President since 1992.

As far as environmental issues, I feel we need a "Manhattan Project" type effort to free us from dependency on fossil fuels.

A woman's right to choose? I'm not anti-abortion, but the constitution grants no such right. The high court issued the right. If Roe v. Wade were overturned tomorrow, it would not negate abortion rights the way you may think. The issue would be kicked back to the states for state-by-state determination.

I'm not a Bush defender. I think he's actually doing a lousy job in many respects. I am however tired of the baseless rhetoric tossed about as fact by people today.
Actually, God help the simple minded puppets who constantly cry about corporate corruption.

Haliburton, oh dear, I havent laughed so hard in a while.

Could someone toss in an ENRON for good measure?
OK then, forget about the elections - How about just stopping the bashing of the President, period??? I didn't agree with Bush's decision to invade Iraq (I want Osmama Ben Dover in jail -or dead- rather than Saddam). But I think when we are at War - like it or not - Support you Commander-in-chief.