Bargain power conditioners

Does anyone have any experience using a power conditioner made for computers (ie: the APC Line R 600 which cost around $150) with a high end audio system (front end). It seems to me that these might provide a similar level of protection and enhancement for a fraction of the cost of an 'audiophile power conditioner'. Thanks.
Mike, stay with HTS2000, stage three filter in the 2500&3500 models sounds worse than HTS2000 IMO......I have tried both and use only HTS2000, Sam
Real Systems need real power conditioners. It's about energy storage to handle intense musical passages and surge protection. If you can justify spending $200+ on interconnects and power cords, do you really think a $200 power conditioner is worthy? Equi=tech and PS Audio are real world power line conditioners, and are available from
Isn't Audiogon great?
I've had a Monster 3500 for a long time and never gave it a thought. It was quiet and had a billion dollar lightning guarantee. But I read about the 2000 being better so I got one. EXCELLENT!
Removed layers, veils and washed the windows. Seriously, the imaging is better and different ambiance of concert halls are more clearly heard. Not just more clearly but the ambiance stands out and makes the presentation more real.
Megasam, if you see this I have to say that I am no longer as psyched about the Phillips 24/96 discs as I was. The remastering process is good, but it can't fix what was poor mike placement in the original recording. Now I have the Monster 2000, the lower brass is a blob in the right corner. Something not heard on other recordings.OTOH, what I thought was just another nice recording of Pictures and Firebird; Giulini, Berlin/Concertgebouw-Sony is an imaging reference!
BTW, I bought my monster from member CJ for $5 more than globemart. I'm sure those folks are nice but he's a real person/audiophile who's also given me good advice. Shameless plug.