Silver Banana Plugs

Trying to make some silver jumpers. ANybody know who manufactures some silver or silver plated banana plugs??
Why silver? It will tarnish. check and look gold plated bananas part #091-330.
Silver may tarnish but silver oxide is just as conductive as the silver itself and silver is a better conductor.
Gthirteen: Sorry no source for the plugs, but I like the idea - same metal throughout the link. I have always wondered how going from copper/silver to copper/gold or brass/gold affects the sound. I am bailing out of my bi-amp setup due to a recently purchased defective power amp and additional problems on top of that with my integrated amp of the same manufacturer, and will be using jumpers again. I have a shotgun bi-wire setup left over from the failed bi-amp but prefer the sound of the jumpers that I made and used before, oh well. I never got around to making the silver jumpers before. I may pump you for details on yours (wire gage etc. at a later date or better yet post the details here if they are a hit. Good luck.
I was wondering about this a few weeks ago. I think that Nordost's banana plugs are either plated with, or solid silver, but I'm not sure. They never answered my inquiries.
Carl, the "Z-plugs" that Nordost puts on their Solar Wind, Red DAwn, and SPM speaker cable (at least at my local dealer) is gold plated. Dekay- I use Audioquest SA-40 cable. I had been using a run of CV-4 on the bottom because I prefered it to the jumpers that B&W supplied with my N805s. For some reason, I never tried jumpers. So, today, I made up some CV-4 jumpers, to compare to the CV-4 on the low end. You know what? It seems that the differences are really, really small. And my jumpers aren't even broken in yet. So, instead of buying an additional 6 foot pair of SA-40, I'm just going to get 1 foot and make some jumpers out of that. However, the SA-40/CV-4 pairing is great. Same cable,(15 gauge, 4 conductor,)same design. THe SA-40 is FPS silver, the CV-4 is Perfect surface copper. The sound that I originally attributed going biwire was actually the sound of the B&W jumpers versus teh CV-4 jumpers I made today. You should check into making some good jumpers before slinging long green on an extra set of cables. Eldragon, Puubie is dead right. Silver oxide is a fantastic conductor, whereas copper oxide isn't. I think Cardas has silver plugs, but I didnt see them on the website, and I cant remember which site I saw them on. Audioquest makes some, but you have to use spades to bolt onto the Bananna plug adaptor.... not what I want. I'm shooting for an all silver system. I'm using Lapis3, and I have some Diamond3 on the way to try out. The sound is a tad laid back, but is really is detailed at the same time. It sounds very natural to me, not overly warm, not overly cool, Not too musical at the expense of detail, or too detailed at the expense of musicality-just happy. I'm getting there, too. SOMEBODY'S GOT MY SILVER PLUGS!!!!!!!!!!