Romantic HiFi Getaway Weekend?!?

Can anyone please recommend any interesting high end dealers located in or around nice places? My wife and I have struck an interesting deal where I can spend a weekend shopping for a new component or speakers as long as the dealer is located in or within reasonable driving distance from a peaceful and picturesque location. Any feedback on the types of lines carried by the dealers would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There are several hi-end dealers in the SF Bay area. Hard to beat the Bay Area for a romantic get away.
Steve, aren't you the sly one? I would never though about making a vacation out of a trip down to a hifi dealers. Here's a toast to you for giving me this great idea. Back to your question, Plsl is absolutely right. SF bay area has everything need for a great weekend get away and some of the countries finiest dealers. If you're out of state, maybe the dealers won't charge you tax. Let me know if you need some info on where to go, whether it's dealers or visting sites. Btw, the weather has been really nice here too. Cheers.
If you visit the Bay Area you might want to negotate a week here, as there indeed are several (20?) dealers within a 50 mile radius.
Steve... you da man! Disguising an audio shopping spree as a romantic getaway is brilliant. Many a yobbo on this site are envious.