Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
i think temperature and humiditity may contribute, and also how "sequenced" the ears are before a session. Similar to when a singer or a insturment player goes through all of the notes high to low before going on with the arrangement. Better to go through all of the listening frequencies before playing on.
They did today. I was given a couple-o-grand worth of stuff for free today(older technology, but still viable).
More than likely, your HI-Fi did not changed- you did.

Some days my system sounds great - Some days it sounds like crap- it just me - same system.
It's actually the best tweak you can ever do, so I have read and learned. When you hear or imagine a flaw, walk away and take a few days perhaps even a week off from your system and when you return your critical faculty shall have switched back to neutral.
I love the fact that this thread was started on 01-05-01. Who dug it up?
