Dallas Texas High End?

Will be in Texas next week and was wandering if there where any shops near Dallas to check out? Not sure I will have enough time to shop, dream, etc. but might as well have a plan just in case. Thanks for any input.
Jonathan, if you are willing to listen with our group, we usually meet on Tuesday night. Depending on who is offering to host, there are several high end systems.

Unfortunately, my listening room is undergoing reconstruction, so I cannot host for a couple of months.
Hillcrest Hi-Fidelity has been the primary high end shop in Dallas for as long as I can remember. They also have a store in Plano ,Tx(a suburb)
There are two good audio retailers in north Dallas near each other on Preston Road just off of LBJ Freeway.
1. Hillcrest High Fidelity (hillcresthifi.com)
They cary Krell, B&W, McIntosh, etc.
2. AudioConcepts (audioconceptsonline.com)
Linn, Proac, Acoustic Research

Enjoy the heat!
