The circuit should work the same regardless of the cap. Once it works, then the choice of cap is not for 'voicing', which is a tonality issue, but which one can bring out more detail (which, BTW, it should do in any circuit).
IOW, any given cap should have the same audible qualities regardless of the circuit. So they should not be playing any serious role in the voicing- that is to say if we install cap X, we then have to make changes y to compensate. Follow me? If not, perhaps a definition of 'voicing' is in order!
You should be able to use any good quality cap and get excellent results. Its important to understand that the circuit is the foundation of the preamp or amp, not the caps and resistors.
IOW, any given cap should have the same audible qualities regardless of the circuit. So they should not be playing any serious role in the voicing- that is to say if we install cap X, we then have to make changes y to compensate. Follow me? If not, perhaps a definition of 'voicing' is in order!
You should be able to use any good quality cap and get excellent results. Its important to understand that the circuit is the foundation of the preamp or amp, not the caps and resistors.