Gershmann speakers: Underrated or just average??

Need opinions from anyone who either owns or has recently auditioned Gershmann Acoustics speakers. You hardly see them for sale on the 'GON or under review by the major audio mags. How do they compare with some of the more "visible" names in hi-end speakers?? Or, is Gershmann speakers just another Canadian speaker company like Mission, Energy, MonitorAudio with a predictable "sound" Thank you!!
SunnyJim, Natalie & El Dragon: Respectfully, if speakers are not designed, manufactured and played in Scotland (with only Scottish music, mind you) they are indeed crap and worth no more than a few coins as Ivy stands. Enough said.
PS: Though suitable for Ivy stands, don't get the impression that such speakers will work in a proper Thistle garden.
Off course that is absurd! And i regret the fact that i let myself being drown into the 'trolling' contest. Also i realized that for better or for worst, this newsgroup is steadily on the changing course from couple of years ago. And finally i am taking the path of Carl_eber and Jhunters. Adios!
Don't do that! Stick around and be "part of the solution." Your contributions are valued. It's just that when anyone makes statements in terms of absolutes, they've got to expect to be jostled around a bit.
Yes Eldragon: and in the same spirit I will retract my absurd statement as well (upon thumbing through some old H&G's I have discovered that "such" speakers will work in a proper Thistle garden after all:-). Anyone care to follow our lead?