Ribbon tweeters/speakers recommendations Please

I have a friend who is interested in buying a pair speakers that either use a ribbon tweeter or ribbon panel like Apogees. He heard the Bohlender-Graebener Radia loudspeakers at the show and is looking for alternatives. Budget is $4000 new and floor standers only; no stand mounted monitors.

Thanks in advance,

Check out the Martin-Logan Montage and Mosiac loudspeakers. They use something called an AFT tweeter. From its tech description, it looks like a ribbon tweeter to me. Yes, I do know the difference between an elestatic and a ribbon speaker. I have owned both Martin-Logans and Apogees in the past and currently own a pair of Magnapans.

My friend likes the sound of electrostatics but his wife aint never gonna let him have a pair in the living room. So, we are trying to compromise and do the ribbon tweeter thing. He has listened to a pair of the B&G's in my big rig (borrowed from the bedroom) and liked them a lot. He would really like to buy a pair of the B&G radia's but the wife isn't to keen on them either, but she said she could live with them.

Keep the suggestions coming.

vmps, genesis, red rose and I believe audio physic. I had bad luck with piega, but others around here loved them as much as I, well, didn't. I have been quite impressed with some of the red rose offerings and vmps has a pretty huge and dedicated following...
Since your friend won't move someplace that will accomodate the Maggies(smile),google "northcreekmusic.com" to check out their kit with ribbon tweeters.
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