6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.
Nothing is more annoying than whan reviewers and people use a percentage as a relative measure between two audio components. Well, nothing other than people driving slowly in the left lane.

How many percentage points does a cello sounding more like a cello get? What is the percentage difference between a speaker that makes you lose your interest in music because the piano does not sound quite rich enough and a speaker that has that little bit of extra richness that makes you immobilized in the enjoyment of the music? 2%? 5%? 50% 100% 110% ?
Before I put any stock in ANYTHING Mr. Ebaen says I would try and hear these in person. Read about his BARGIN $40,000 AMPS in the "is this ludicrous" thread.
Srajan's turned over a new leaf. Check out his "Realsizing" series and any of the latest series on the lo-power, hi-eff phenomenon. The basic premise is "how can I minimize $$ without losing the musical message." He dumped his $5k Audiopax preamp for a $2k Modwright unit and sold his Audiopax mono amps. I'm pretty sure he sold his Avantgarde Duos too.
The basic premise is "how can I minimize $$ without losing the musical message."
With his new purchase, it appears that Srajan went off his diet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah....
IMO 6Moons is turning into just another Tout, whether intentionally or not. There's always something coming down the pike that's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I auditioned the Gallo's after reading the "glowing" review - and pretty much wrote off 6Moons opinions as being incompatible with my own after that. But this review takes the cake - the guy's getting carried away - this is a rambling, self indulgent rant full of Zu publicity photos. And after reading it like 3 or 4 times, I still have no idea what these speakers are supposed to sound like. I'm sure they're very good, and a "real bargain" for $9,000. And just like Talons, some will love the sound and some will hate it.

And on a separate note - what's with these self-powered boxes being marketed as high efficiency, SET compatible now?!*&X??? Bull... If I put a 1000 watt solid state amp inside each of my sealed boxes, does that make my speakers "high-efficiency"? Now I only need an exotic one-tenth watt tube amp? I get it - so put the amps on the outside and you're speakers are power hungry, but put 'em on the inside and they're "S.E.T. friendly" !