" I would expect that if someone where to have an intelligent conversation about a musician, i.e. Charlie Parker (which is what I assumed from the members here), that they would have a certain knowledge about music itself in order to support and clarify their comments."
I Disagree. A person can make any comment he wishes about any musician. No special knowledge is required, other than, hopefully, he has listened to that musician's music.
The 1000 lb gorilla in the room is this, musicians are whatever the PUBLIC, says they are. Not what their peers think of them.
I am sure Miles et al. knew guys who deserved to be as great as they were, and I am sure they thought of them on their way to the bank. It's always been that way and it always will.
Someone decides who will be great. Back in the days of classical music it was the local Patron paying the musican's livelhood. In other words, a few decided. Now millions decide. It's a tougher room.
I think Goofyfoot and The Frogman could be in advanced music / improvisation theory, but, have wandered into Jazz Appreciation 101. Here, we just comment and share what we hear and how it moves us. And all are qualified to do that! Of course, all others are welcomed. A person can never have too much knowledge, and The Frogman is our local guru when it comes to the finer points of music.
Fighting and being argumentive? Well, it's better than being boring! Boredom kills threads! And if The Frogman and I can live together in peacefull coexistence, then anyone can!