Soliloquy 6.2 Very Poor Treble .....

After several calls to David Berman at Soliloquy, without a response. I will put it to the Audiogoner's . Will I need to change the tweeter or rebuild the crossover to "brighten up" the highs in this speaker....Or should I just trade them off and start over ????. I kind of like the speakers if I could get them to sound a little better. Maybe that is why they are no longer in the speaker business...I think that changing the tweeter would be the easiest but I will be open-minded.....Thanks
I kind of like the speakers if I could get them to sound a little better.

I'm not quite sure how to repond to that. Kind of like this would be a pretty good meal if it didn't taste so bad.

I'm sure that modifying the crossover and/or replacing the drivers will change how they sound. Predicting the results will be tough. It should be cheap enough to play around with the crossovers so I would start there, but buying quality drivers to play around with might get expensive.

Bear in mind that whatever modifications you make will probably kill the resale value. It sounds like you have the inclanation so if you have the resources and skills it might be better to build your own from the ground up and then sell what you have.
I have 6.2s and I agree they could use a bit more sparkle. Did David not say anything about swapping to the newer sputtered aluminum tweeter? I dont know if that would help but it could. You may even have these tweeters already?

I have been thinking of both a tweeter change and a high quality Xover. Not out of necessity though. Simply because I love to tweek =). I'll let you know if I decide on either and the results.

Without knowing your system I can only make a few general suggestions.

Another A'gon member suggested I use Analysis Plus cabling. I already was but, I can tell you these babies lost a lot of highs when I swapped the APs for transparent. I agree, try some AP cabling.

These things take forever to break in. The highs were very muted the first 250 hours or so. Have you allowed enough break in time? 500 hours plus.

The grills have a profound impact on the highs.

I love mine the mids are utterly seductive and the bass is tight and articulate.
I am using these next to some Pro-ac 2's and they don't have the life they should have....I don't think. I have two systems in my home , one having a Audio Research LS-25 and a VT-100 with a pair of Aerial 10-T's. The other system has a Audio Research LS-14 and a Classic 60 with the Pro-ac's . The second system also has the Soliloquy 6.2's which need some help....I have not got a response from David at Soliloquy
How many hours do you have on the speakers?
They sound like doo doo for the first 300-500 hours.
Also, Distortion is right about Analysis Plus. We went to AP silver speaker cable, and it made a big difference. Finally, if you have the requisite number of hours on the speakers, try some jumpers or bi-wire. Those brass plates don't work too well.
I have them bi-wired with Audio Research Litz Line. I am not sure about the time on them, maybe 2-3 hundred hours...