What the H ll Happened Here?

I was listening to music two nights ago and heard what sounded like low level scratching through one speaker, then it went away. A short while later it happened again but this time the sratching was coming from both speakers with reduced bass response. Then, I lost bass in one speaker completely with maybe 1/2 output from the other. Tweeters seem OK but hard to tell as they sound kinda bad without the rest of the spectrum.

By the way, I have Harbeth C7s which are two ways.

I thought the problem may be tubes in the pre-amp so I plugged in a passive that was just boxed away, same problems. Tried another amp, CD player (with and without the DAC), same problems. Swapped speakers from side to side, problem with woofers went with them. Then I tried pressing slightly on the woofers, doing so causes changes in the distortion. So I'm pretty damn sure it's a problem with both speakers, but what the hell happened? And to both speakers at the same time?? I noticed no electrical surges, power problems of any kind.

Guys, any ideas as what's going on???
I had a similar problem with Paradigm speakers, blown voice coils. Mine were overdriven by my son (damn that rap music) and he blew tree of the four woofers. I odered relpacement woofers from Paradigm; a snap to replace but not cheap.
You may have a warranty issue although it's hard to convince customer service people the speakers weren't overdriven/abused. Good luck.
The fact it's in both woofers indicates the odds are good that it was electronics related so definitely get the Plinius checked out.
If the voice coil was fried you would smell it! Sometimes they smoke, but you would smell an aweful burnt electronics smell. yes, your amp must have put out DC. Be most careful and get it checked out right away.

To be sure, simply remove one woofer and look at the voice coil. If copper and clean that is not the issue. If black, you found the problem!

Disconnect the woofers and measure them. Most probably and unfortunately, you have damaged these drivers. IF so, then it shouldn't be yr amp that's at fault (spurious noise fm the amp would have taken out the tweets first).
The best thing is to write to Harbeth -- they don't use off the shelf drivers...
Excellent info and advice, guys. I have plugged in two expensive Pinnacle speakers and am running them to see if anything else happens. I bought them new 6 years ago at 50% off for $115.00 pair at Accutronics Audio when they were going out of business and the owner, Arnie, was setting up Audiogon. Thought they'd work in my wife's bedroom system but they've never been out of the box since purchase. So far no problems.

If something happens to these then it may indeed be the amp but I don't think so as it was a one time occurance. It may also be, as stated above, an electrical problem in house as we've recently had a couple of other odd things happen around here. I've called a good electrician to come out and "trouble shoot".

And, no, I did not smell anything burning whatsoever. Will take out the woofer that is giving no sound and see what's what. I understand Harbeth builds their own woofers and will send them an e-mail to discuss.