Opera Speakers - Opinions?

Does Opera have a "house sound"? Are the 1.5s and IIs (which I understand are now out of production) on the warm or cool side of things (musical or analytical)? Or are they neutral, or warm neutral, cool neutral? Can the Callas' be used in a small room with only 20" from rear of speakers to the wall? I ask since they are reat ported. Do they look as good in person as on their website? How do they compare to, say, Sonus Faber and Silverline models? How easy are they to drive? Thanks, people.
I've only heard the Callas Divas, and they sounded very nice. Definitely on the warmish side of neutral, adequately dynamic, and a very sweet midrange. If you value those type of sonic qualities, it's definitely woth looking into. Not a rock speaker, IMO. Much more suited to low-key classical and jazz.
I had the Opera Quinta in my home for a couple of weeks. They do have a "warmish" sound as Hooper describes the Diva. I ended up buying Silverline Sonata III. They are far superior to the Opera's. As are all of Silverline's speakers. Silverline uses better drivers. I was fortunate to hear the Silverline speakers at the manufacturer's location and did hear a few of Alan's line. Alan also showed me some of the drivers he uses and those of other speakers, including the Meadowlark Shearwater which I had at the time. The workmanship and quality of the drivers was quite obvious.
How would you describe the "house sound" of Silverline? It seems the Opera sound is warm and musical, maybe comforting and relaxing. Which is, of course, often great for late night listening but not always the best for when you want to "kick 'em out". (Geez, I'm such a white guy from Detroit!)

The Operas sure are good looking, though. And what's with Sam Tellig at Stereophile? Three articles about Opera speakers and the only real indication of sound and music making ability is "it's all about the tonality". What ABOUT the tonality? Good, bad, accurate, lush, cool, what?

I know Tellig has become friends with the people at Unison/Opera but is he saying something between the lines by not saying much? Or am I missing something? And how come only A'goners who have only heard Operas have responded? Any current owners with opinions?