Are you open minded about loudspeaker designs?

Or do you tend to pick the same type of loudspeaker design when you upgrade?
For some reason electrostatic speakers sound better than cones in my room.Everytime I switch to a dynamic speaker,I quickly return to a Stat.It's either my ears or the room is just electrostatic friendly. ( stacked Quad ESL 57, Martin Logan CLS 11Z)
Rcprince,i heard Analysis,Epsilons and was very impressed!I am searching for a pair of speakers to replace my Paradigm Sudio 100s V2,and am open to any design,as long as it has the sound i want ,and would be compatable with my system and room.
For years I mostly purchased electrostatic ribbon or planars but today I DIY
Today, likewise.
Before, a bit of everything.
Totally close minded: I own Meadowlark, Thiel and Vandersteen specifically because, after listening to other manufacturer's designs, I am convinced that time and phase coherent designs sound best to my ears.