Better power cord for Bryston

I don't have an aftermarket power cord for my 4BSST. I have considered several, but never pulled the trigger. I love my Audience power cord, but was told a syn. res. master coupler would be better for the amp. Opinions?
Maggie 1.6
Bryston 4BSST
DeHavilland Ultra Verve w/upgraded caps
Shanling CDT 100 w/ upgraded tubes - JPS digital ac
All remaining cords are Audience Au24s - Richard Gray
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I just bought a 4B ST and it sounds just superb w/the stock PC. I bought some used Blue Circle power cords, model 61 and 62, and it made a huge improvement w/the Bryston BP-25 Pre-amp. (The smaller 14ga. used w/the pre.) The larger guage BC 62 I'm using on a B&K ST 1200 which made a huge improvement as well.) I'm tempted to try this cord on the 4B-ST, but honestly, the amp sounds so good I highly doubt it will make that much of a difference. If it does, I'll be late alot more often for work! Anyway, I'm very impressed my these two cords.
If you look through Bryston's website, they don't recommend aftermarket cords for their product, since they designed it, they should know.
If you check the reviews of the 14BSST on the Bryston site you will find that the review sample sent to AIG(?)had a Sunfire pc. I have used Transparent pcs with a 4BST and 14BST and found significant sonic improvements.