Is There A Moveable Base To Easily Voice Speakers?

With larger speakers, especially with spikes, it is very difficult to effectively and easily move and dial-in a new set of speakers. Particularly if it's just one person. Get up. Sit down. Get up. Sit down.

Is there a device, or a special moveable base, or any method to easily dial-in and voice a new set of speakers? A dolly, a carousel, 2 pieces of plywood, etc? Thanks.
Depends on the floor. If hard, use coins under the spikes and slide along. If rug, you;re in for tough times!
Generally you try to get them close without the spikes; then put the spikes on / tilt the speaker to get it on one spike and rotate in any direction.(unless the speakers are 300lbs or over.)
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I place teflon furniture glides under the spikes while I am repositioning my speakers. After I finish, I remove them.