QUOTEIt may be that our eyes and our brand perceptions and all of our other expectations contribute more to what we hear than we realize or care to admitQUOTE
Generally speaking, of course. Not everyone is taken in by glitz and hype but unfortunately that tends to happen much too often, no doubt. Speaking for myself, and many others I'm sure, I have been pleasantly surprised in the past to prefer a much lower cost alternative. I think, as you eluded to, differences are much more evident in our own systems with which we tend to be intimately familiar with. I would not sell yourself short and certainly would not be dismayed with your performance in the test, which is most likely the least reliable in this case.
Generally speaking, of course. Not everyone is taken in by glitz and hype but unfortunately that tends to happen much too often, no doubt. Speaking for myself, and many others I'm sure, I have been pleasantly surprised in the past to prefer a much lower cost alternative. I think, as you eluded to, differences are much more evident in our own systems with which we tend to be intimately familiar with. I would not sell yourself short and certainly would not be dismayed with your performance in the test, which is most likely the least reliable in this case.