Calling all Von Schweikert VR-9 owners


Do you know what is an acceptable level of transformer buzz for the VR-9s? The speakers have huge, 1,000W digital amps in the bass cabinets, and I'm trying to get a handle on whether noise should be audible or not--and to what degree. My electricity checks out perfectly, so that's not the issue. I'm listening in the nearfield, and combined with the fact that the speakers are 96dB with the bass boost on, maybe those factors are causing the buzz to be audible--albeit slightly--from my chair (7'+ away from speakers). My room is very quiet, so maybe that's adding to the audibility. I pulled the amps last night, and put Lock-Tight on the transformer nut and silicone on the back plate, but the buzz is still audible, albeit MAYBE a touch lower in level. FWIW, when I put my hand to the back panel, I CANNOT feel any vibration. Can anyone comment or share their experiences? Thanks!
Calling ALL ?!?! That limits the number of responses. Those speakers never buzzed for me, sounds like you have a ground loop and not an issue with the VR-9's. Check your electricity, the speakers are not likely the problem.
Stehno: You are correct. His problem has nothing to do with the speakers. He is experiencing a "ground loop". Is has been diagnosed and the solution has been presented.

Hooper: I am puzzled as to why you would bring this to Audiogon. We are in touch 2 -3 times a day and Von Schweikert also always takes your calls.
Problem solved!!! In my attempt to isolate the problem, I discovered that the issue was with internal grounding, not with the speakers at all. I've started to experiment with using different grounding schemes inside my DarTZeel amps--the amps allow you to use different configurations--and that has helped. I'll fine tune things once I get back to normal operation after the holidays. So, to summarize, the problem was NOT with the speakers at all. Sorry for causing a panic.
Hooper did you by any chance go to the CES show? I am very interested about how the VR9 sound at the show compared to home enviroment. Very difficult to hear these speakers. They do not even have them at the factory for audition. Does anyone know if the ones at CES 2006 are the ones available for consumer purchase ? I read that Von Scweikert brings "tweaked" speakers to shows that appear to resemble the consumer ones but sound significantly better.

Rusty from VSA informed me (as of the beginnign of january) there have only been 5 consumer pairs of VR9 sold. I wonder if they are all with audiogoners . If you are one of the five please say "aye". It would be nice to hear furthur opinions of them

Rumney510: The speakers that were at the show belong to me. They are just as "tweaked" as every pair that is built. They are all identical other than finish options.

Who told you they are not available at the factory for audition? That is bad information you have received. If you would like to audition them in the Von Schweikert factory, I am happy to set up an appointment for you at your earliest convenience.