Best tube amp s for magnepan 3.6r

I have a pair of 3.6r's. I am driving them with rogue m-150 mono amps. I think I need more power, but would like to stay with tubes. The system is used entirely for vinyl and the preamp is a CAT SL-1.
Any recommendations?
yesfan i change speakers---maybe???? and keep the amps??? or do i move the amps and keep the speakers???
Wolcott Audio P-220m monoblocks. I've heard them in Audiogoner Slipknot1's system with his Magnepan 3.6r speakers and it's an outstanding combination.
Wolcott's or VTL450 or VTL750.
The thing about Magnepan's is they love as much power as you can throw at them.
I had Rogue Magnum 120 with my Maggie 1.6 and they were underpowered, in a comparison with a Levinson 383 integrated and also an Innersound ESL amp the Rogue was washed out and dull (but sound nice otherwise). I finally concluded that you really do need tons of power to drive the Maggies and ended up with a Plinius SA100 MKIII power amp because I did not have the money to drive them with tubes.

I now have high efficency Audio Note gear because I got sick of chasing my tail trying to power the Maggies which are great speakers but I could not afford a QUALITY amp.