Has anyone tried the Coincident Dynamo 34SE

8 Watts of Single Ended EL34 from Israel Blume? Beautiful appearance, few reviews. What's your impression?
I can't compare it to the Decware 34.1ss, but I did purchase the Dynamo 34se, which is phenomenal. So far I've tube rolled the rectifier tube to Mullard late 60s 5AR4, plus Sylvania JAN 6SL7 WGT, EL34s from stock Shuguang (sounded good) to RFT Siemens, Gold Lion KT77s, and now, Shuguang Black Treasure 6CA7s (still breaking in) but I can already say they are the best of this grouping. The Black Treasure has a long break-in period (200 hrs) and over the past two days they have really opened up and are beginning to sound fabulous. The stage in my 14x16 room is wall-to-wall, deep beyond the back wall. Instrumental tone is beautiful, well saturated, full, accurate, detailed, clear. A small edge on violins and horns have disappeared. This tube amp, with the tubes I have used is neither too Yin or Yang, just right for me, it has the best tube amp attributes as well as never being fatiguing, with the surprising quality, too me, of being very dynamic. This amp plays everything well, large classical, chamber, Jazz, modern as well as big band, rock folk, you name it, it plays it wonderfully.

I' ve owned many top-notch systems, yet this small Dynamo is special.
I agree with Mikirob. The dynamo is a superb piece at its price. My tube rolling so far has been confined to rectifiers. I have tried a variety of 5AR4s, including NOS Mullard late 60's, but I prefer an early 60's GE 5U4 GB (pretty cheap tube) to all the 5AR4s I have tried. No rolling on the driver or output tubes yet.
As it burns in, the top end smoothes out as Mikirob stated.
I'm using the dynamo to drive 92dB efficient deCapos. No problems at all, especially with the 5U4GB which has better dynamics.
Brownsfan and Mikirob,
FWIW, TAS is supposed to be coming out with a review of the Dynamo 34SE in their February issue.
In the meantime, I wait for my Audio Note Kit 1 to be shipped tomorrow. :-)
I just got mine today, and I'm having a hell of a time with hum from the amp and through the speakers. Tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to help. Headphone listening isn't possible due to the severity of the problem. It sounds like a great amp when it's turned up, but at lower levels the hum is really distracting. Have any of you come across this type of problem?

Thanks, Scott
Send Israel Blume an email or call him, he'll help you out. This is a uncommon complaint for this amplifier.