Speaker suggestions for less than ideal accoustics

I live in a lovely timber frame home that works well for our lifestyle but presents challenges when trying to create a good audio listening environment. My great room has a wall of windows, tile floors (radiant heat), a large stone fireplace,28' ceiling peak, open to a loft area and open to the kitchen/dining area. The space is approx 1000 sq ft. I have listened in stores to some nice speakers (JM labs 816s, Def Tech 7004, Paradigm studio 100s, PSB T55,) but I know none of them will sound the same in my great room. Anyone ever faced this challenge and know if certain qualities in speaker designs lend themselves to this? I have learned a lot from this forum and wish there were more places to hear some of the equipment mentioned. BTW,this is for music listening only. Home theatre will have its own dedicated room in the basement where things can be built to suit
I can't help but think something like the Tact might help. The Gradients are reputed to be room tuneable.
Can't help but agree with Nsgarch! I would love to have that room to work with...Get something to produce concert levels...Hmmmm...So nice!
Frankly, I am pessimistic about anything that will work for that large space and would agree about setting off a small part for listening. Then you can treat that restricted area.

Get a Behringer DEQ 2496. This will help alot. For 300 bucks with the Behringer ECM 8000 microphone it's a steal. If you can use any room treatment that would be good too. No speaker is designed for bad acoustics that I'm aware of. Do some reading on the above piece.
Actually you're a prime contender for open baffle or dipole spkrs, as Nsgarch aptly notes above. ANyhting else will prbably make yr life a misery (it'll be near impossible to control 300Hz downward).

Probably the best open baffle design is Linkwitz's Orion -- but that requires ~3k + diy or 6k ready made (that includes amplification; some consolation). It would be easy for you to get excellent sound in yr environment (possibly better than you'd get in an untreated conventional room).
Another open baffle choice at a more reasonable price is the Bastanis (www.bastanis.com) something or other -- which also requires a little diy.

As your room is large, appropriate stators would be frightfully expensive (think of big Soundlabs).