Anyone have Legacy speakers these days?

I have a wonderful pair of Legacy Protege speakers. Anyone else have Legacy and what do you think of them? Thanks
I used to think the Focus was a special speaker at a reasonable price, till I heard Vandersteen Quatro' me atleast they made the Legacy sound like Cerwin Vega. My dad owned the 20/20 for a few years and liked them (we both did) but then we seriously looked into other speakers and quickly found much better across the board performance at an also obtainable price. I can see why folks like the Legacy, and why some like all sort of other speakers and afterall it would be a boring world if one size fit all.
I have never auditioned Legacy speakers. I'm not very knowledgeable regarding speaker technology. But when I see a picture of a Legacy speaker with the unconventional configuration of drivers, I ask myself: why is the designer choosing for such an unconventional way of speaker design? Mr. Barton might be a good speaker designer, but by designing such odd looking multi-driver speakers to me his image is that of a super-DIY guy rather than a science oriented, evidence based designer like Richard Vandersteen, David Wilson, Roger West or the late John Dunlavy.

In the previous post, Mr. Barton should be: Mr. Dudleston (owner of Legacy Audio and designer of the Legacy speakers). After reading several reviews and articles about the Legacy speakers I'm now convinced that Mr. Dudleston also belongs to the group of forementioned designers.

I agree Sthomas12321...seriously, until you sit down and audition the Focus 20/20 or the Whisper you have no idea how incredible these speakers really are. I think that the mixed reviews come from others who have spent thousands more and realize they could have spent thousands less and got a superior speaker...once again...never judge a book by its cover.