Speaker recommendations please

This is my current system but I would like to upgrade my speakers and have not had much time lately to audition any. Budget upto $7k. the Gallos are great but am sure something better out there that may be an upgrade. I listen to jazz, electronic, blues and 2 ch my primary concern.Any suggestions much appreciated.

bel canto pl1a
bel canto pre6
audiopax model 5
butler tdb 2250
maccormack dna 500
gallo ref3 sub amp
gallo ref 3.1
ic and pc -virtual dynamics masters, argent pursang
spkr -vd revelation and shunyata andromeda
Intuitive Design Summits. With the stands, 5000. Spectacular. Mine are integrated with a Rel Storm III, with its crossover set at 27 hertz. I've reviewed them here on Audiogon. In the 7000 dollar price range, there are a lot of potentially great choices. Very recently, someone was selling Audio Physic Avanti III's here on Audiogon for ABOUT that price, maybe a little lower.
Piega c-8ltd. I paid $6500 for a pair and love them. Seen some for the same price lately also. They are stereophile class "a" rated. Retail is close to $17k if I am not mistaken.
Look to the Coincident line. The Supper EclipseIII is as good as anything I have ever heard. Its well worth the 5999.00 it retails for.

Silverline is also a nice line as is the Audio Physics line. If money is no object the Verity line is very nice, not cheap, but very good.
A used pair of Wilson Benesch Curve or Discovery is pretty awesome. You must put it on your short list.