Thiel CS 2.4 Vs. Harbeth M40?

I'd appreciate your thoughts on how these two speakers compare. I know the former is a floorstander and the latter a large monitor, but wonder about the sonic differences. Thanks
theil for the audiophile. harbeth for the music lover/collector. either could be the last speaker many would ever need.
These are two very diferent speakers. The Harbeth has a more romantic sound, is warmer, and sounds fuller (like real music does in front of the orchestra). The Thiel is more a design from the head. If I had the change, I'd buy the Harbeth in a skinny minute.
It appears the Monitor series are really designed to studio or on site recording use. I understand the Compact 7-2ES, which I own, and the HL5 are intended for home use and have freq response designs, etc. that work best in a home environment. Depending on size of room, you may want to check out one of these home intended speakers.