Thiel CS 2.4 Vs. Harbeth M40?

I'd appreciate your thoughts on how these two speakers compare. I know the former is a floorstander and the latter a large monitor, but wonder about the sonic differences. Thanks
theil for the audiophile. harbeth for the music lover/collector. either could be the last speaker many would ever need.
These are two very diferent speakers. The Harbeth has a more romantic sound, is warmer, and sounds fuller (like real music does in front of the orchestra). The Thiel is more a design from the head. If I had the change, I'd buy the Harbeth in a skinny minute.
It appears the Monitor series are really designed to studio or on site recording use. I understand the Compact 7-2ES, which I own, and the HL5 are intended for home use and have freq response designs, etc. that work best in a home environment. Depending on size of room, you may want to check out one of these home intended speakers.
The Harbeth has a more romantic sound, is warmer, and sounds fuller (like real music does in front of the orchestra). The Thiel is more a design from the head.

Thanks for your comparison. If I can pursue this: If Thiel is, as is their reputation, a more accurate speaker, and reproducing the music as it was recorded, wouldn't this speaker reproduce music as "real music"? If Harbeth is adding warmth, then isn't this producing an element to the recording that might not have been there in the first place? And, what if the original recording did not have warmth? The Thiel speaker would reproduce that recording without warmth, while the Harbeth, presumably, would add warmth.
For the duration i had the Thiels, the midrange is a little dry which made reproduction of midrange piano notes a little glassy. It is less severe when a sub is used. They were superb speaker is many other respect.

Both Thiels and Harbeth would need a larger room and away from back wall.