Anyone heard these? How do they sound?

Linn Ninka floorstanders
Has anyone ever heard these speakers?
How do they sound?
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Speakers don't have a sound unless they are connected to a stereo. And then, if they are any good, the stereo will be a big factor in how they sound. Not to mention that the listener's brain plays just as big a role. So, there is no good answer to your question.
I've never heard Linn speakers so I can't comment on the original question. But seriously Aball, speakers won't "make" a sound until hooked to an amp but they do "have" a sound. Also, while the source/amp will be a factor, it won't be a big factor. Lastly, a listeners brain will not affect the sonic characteristics of the speaker at all.
Yes, I've heard these at a Linn retailer in Charlotte, and I thought they sounded good hooked up to an all Linn system. They were dynamic and a wee bit lean in the bass/mid-bass, but nice. And they are a nice size -- medium -- and don't dominate a room. I remember reading a review of these somewhere (The Absolute Sound maybe). I'd check it out to get a general idea of their capabilities and general sound.
Its been quite a while since I listened to these speakers. As I remember they were pleasant. I think Bojack's comments are pretty close to what I remember. They aren't boom the right room I suspect they might work out nicely. Definitely not a syrupy sounding speaker.
Nice speakers, especially for the price they are available for on the used market. I find them quite attractive as well. There are many other options in this price range to audition, however.

The Ninkas really come into their own if you spend the money to make them active. I heard them the other day active with a Linn Chakra 6100 amp, and they sounded better than any speaker this price has a right to. Passive, the are good, but nothing like they are active.