Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?

I was wondering if anyone has heard of small or monitor speakers that defy perception by sounding larger or bigger than they are ? I have always owned floorstanders and do not have much experience with the smaller fry....for the sake of discussion I would like that we NOT include small floorstanders - just speakers that we would normally use a stand with. Thanks !
Listener57 - LOL, what are the other 9? Most likely, most of us follow them all without even knowing it.

Soniqmike - After owned the full Parsifal Encores, why are you even posting in the speaker asylum? lol For serious, what is motivating you to find these elusive small-box-big-sound things after something like the Encores? You trying to challenge the world with parsifal competition in the $3 small monitor? If so - I hope the world is ready.
Like women...some speakers are bigger than others...but my wife sizes she likes HUGE speakers...I guess size does matter...ha!
Goatwuss, here are some answers...On the Parsifals: I did sell them for financial reasons, to allocate money for family priorities NOT because I was not thrilled by them.

Secondly, I am building a secondary smaller system and not looking for the absolute best or most expensive.

I guess It's like trying to find out that great value-priced wine that will taste way above expectations. Also, I would like the smaller speakers to ''fill the room'', and I do not necessarily mean with bass, but it does come into play. I would probably favor wide dynamics and power handling if I had to compromise, and of course truth of sound and accurate bass. I'm not looking for low, but looking for accuracy.

AS I mentionned before, I did try the Parsifals as monitors - but comparing it with the full bass cabinets is an unfair comparison...
Jaybo, not only are there small speakers that don't sound big, there are also big speakers that don't sound big !
Great point about some of these faux large speakers. Like the floorstanders that use 6" wide and 40" tall aluminum cabinets and have about four to six 4" bass drivers...
Yah, that's a joke for a big speaker. Nice to look at but c'mon, that's not sound. That's marketing. I think in particular of the Difinitive Mythos - hype. You fall for that and you've spent lots of money for mid-fi sound. Of course, most people don't REALLY care what it sounds like. They're too busy trying to impress others with the looks. Of course, WAF has vast influence on this issue...many of our bretheren suffer under the burden of WAF.

I recall the B&O speakers of old. Pretty, and pretty BAD sounding! Eye candy and ear crap. Made it into the Smithsonian primarily on looks, like a woman with great body and no wit. You'd be a fool to marry her. At least divorcing such pseudo speakers, you'd not need a lawyer.