What happens when the Wife cleans the audio room

Well ladies and gentlmen,

I sat down last night after work to enjoy some music. To my suprise the sound stage was left of center on the first track I listened to so I tried another track same thing. I looked things over and noticed my left speaker had been moved. No big deal I will just move it back. Not. I got the sound stage centered again with a loss in bass :(.

Now mind you the speaker had not been moved more than an inch. Yes it made a profound difference.

The moral of this story is clean your audio rooms yourselves and then the only person you can blame when something goes wrong is yourself.

I am not looking forward to the hours I will now have to spend to get the speaker positioned correctly again. Toe in here, toe in there, 1/4" here, 1/4" there.

Have a good day.

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Hi Artizen - I'll risk it - have your wife come over and clean MY listening room!!!
Predictably, the Maggie 1.6's are moved back 2 feet from their normal spot. I've got to get a set Mye stands to put a stop to that. Can't complain really, she's very indulgent of my obsession and enjoys good music and sound too.
I make it a point to inspect all connections once every two weeks when the maid comes over. Often a cable might need to be re-attached to a speaker. My wife love the system and she has a better ear for when something is wrong. She is also mystified by the whole thing to the point that the only part of my house that has all of the smudges and fingure prints on the glass...is my(our) entertainment area.