Your best picks for 2006 Best Speakers under 4K.

As we are approaching mid year 2006, maybe we can have a list of the 3 best speakers you've heard for this year. I havent gotten around to listening much, hope to later this year.
So what are your 3 best under 4K?
Do speaker manufacturers release new models every year? When did they become like motorcycle makers, heheh?
Try the PMC IB1 or IB2 with its 10" Nomex woofer. It's a lovely full range studio monitor and goes down to a useable 25 Hz. Check out I use then with a McIntosh MC402 amp and C2200 preamp
New models every yr... like toliet tissue, "NEW AND IMPROVED" upgrade kinda thingy. I ain't buying if I know its last yr model sounded like c**p.