WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...
Boa2 & Tvad,

What equipment, source components & cabling did they use for the Demo. I am very curious.


What are you using for your system cables?

I agree it is all system synergy & setup is critical. All I need to do is change one thing to make my system sound terrible. Every system is as strong as the room & the weekest link.
"I've used that spin on my wife for many an upgrade. How's this? I'm looking at $20k speakers. Really considering them. Decide, however, on $10k speakers, and go to my wife all excited that I just saved her $10k, so my new speakers won't cost anything...you married guys know the deal...It's an Abbott and Costello routine..."

Brilliant! After a few more upgrades and all the savings, you should be able to retire and get that vacation home in Tahoe.
They used all Audio Research components. They used a Reference 3 preamp, and from looking at the Audio Research site, the amps appear to have been the Reference 210 monoblocks. Sorry, I didn't find out what the other component models were. The cables were all Transparent. Perhaps someone has more details on the ancillary gear, or I'm sure you could write Wilson directly.
I switched TO Audience Au 24 cabling. For fear of being sued, I won't say what I had, and replaced. But the total cost of the old cables was over $10k. I can't believe I ever did that!
I also heard the Wilson demo at the HE 2006 show yesterday and it was fantastic - I give Dave Wilson a lot of credit for all he has acheived. Sure, he has succesfully turned his line into a "status symbol" with a great reputation for quality and service and also - great sound. Very well done demo by some guy who obviously knows a lot about music. They gave one of the best demos becasue they took control of the process, and used the demo to put their best points forward rather than letting people just wander around like most rooms.

There are plenty of mercedes type speakers - but mercedes are a dime a dozen here in LA - you want to turn heads, you bettter be driving a Spyker or MacLaren. Why not have an ultra luxury/ultra expensive line in speakers. I can't afford one - but I'm happy to cough up 20 bucks for the opportunity hear some of these greats.

I'd like to know why the WattPuppys weigh in at 700 pounds - my Josephs have 25 pounds of sand in the base and they are only 85 pounds total. Is mass loading all that important to the Wilson sound? Maybe I should stick lead shot instead of sand in my wilsons...

BTW - the most insane value at the show was Dr. Hsu's new bookshelf horn speaker for $250/pair!!! My other two favorites at the show were Joseph Audio ($3200) and MLB Radialstrahler ($46,000). More on that to come.