help me build a system for $1200

I am a medical student, and as such, already have tons of debt to begin with. That said, I've been wanting to upgrade my current system (cambridge audio CD player, squeezebox v3, a 10 year old NAD receiver, and a pair of minipod speakers that I received for free). I will probably keep the cambridge audio CD player for now.

So I've been perusing audiogon incessantly the last week or so...but can't seem to come up with a good integrated/speakers combo. I have thought about the following systems:

Onix sp-3 (for about 500-600 + onix ref 1/epos M5
musical fidelity ($700)+ quad 11L
jolida 502b + something in the 600-700 range

and this last crazy idea:

sonic impact super T amp ($150!) + an efficient speaker in the $1000 range (suggestion?)

I'd love to hear your comments.


p.s. This new system will be used almost exclusively for music. My current room is pretty small I'd say about 13x20 with 9 ft. ceiling. My musical taste is mostly indie rock...with the occasional jazz and "electronic" thrown in.
The NAD is as good, and probably better, than most receivers out there -- no need to buy amplification. Keep it and the rest and grab a really nice pair of speakers on Audiogon (Vandersteen, Spendor, KEF, Paradigm, Von Shwaikart, etc).
Keeping the NAD and spending more on better speakers is going to give you the best sound for your price range in my opinion. Check out the new Ascend Acoustics SEs with the SEAS tweeters. They are very nice for the money.
I am a medical student, and as such, already have tons of debt to begin with.

It won't make any difference then to add a little more. :-) Just kidding.

I would suggest you keep your cd player and receiver. Then buy the best speakers you can afford.

Only buy used speakers. Thanks to upgrade mania, very good speakers in very good conditions are routinely available at bargain prices. Stick with Audiogon market place.

At present there is a mint Quad 21L for $800, new 21L for $1000, and mint 22L for $1050. One could do a lot worse than these.

If you don't care about cosmetic nicks, the follwoing also seem like a steal to me:: Spendor 7/1 for $1250 and Spendor SP1/2 for $900.

Good luck.
Kep the NAD and CD player, get a Lite DAC-AH dac for under $200. and spend the rest on the speakers of your choice. I like your idea of M5 or Quad 11L w/ a sub, Vandersteen 2CI, Spendor SP3/1 w/ sub, new Omega 3 floorstander, Omega 6, Hawthorne Audio SOLO, Hemp Acoustics drivers and floor standing cabs($ for cabs, $210. for drivers prs) If you like any of the last 4 suggestions, they will work with your NAD, but you can buy a Sonic impact t amp also to try, get the $30. amp and mod it yourself. They are a lot more than mini system amps with the right speakers. These little amps embarass many expensive amps.