Speakers for metal, hard rock ... also SS amp

I need recommendations for people who play a lot of metal and hard rock. I don't want to be dependent on a sub for the bass slam.

Speakers should be in the $4-8K used range and amp should be high quality.

I don't want it to be too harsh, though, because I ocassionally listen to ambient, female vocals, soundtracks, etc.
I second Chadnliz - Legacy Focus 20/20s -

Great soundstage, bottomless bottom end [deeper than most stand alone subs], and great with busy music as well as solo vocals and small jazz trios. Play some "Blue Man Group" real loud to test! You will be sold.
THe Talon Raven C speakers without a doubt will rock your world and they are easy to drive. Deep bass that is fast and tight, clear highs. I am still amazed at what they can do for the price. Find themn used around $3500 and you'll be pleased.

Happy Listening.
Mcintosh Amps with horns or most speakers recommended for rock will definatley render the better results over most other amps without a lot of screwing around..
I second that recommendation, for everything from Bjork to Pantera.
thanks for all the great recommendations ...

anybody used the Dali Helicon 800's ????