PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?

Anyone heard or owned PMC speakers, especially models GB-1 (Retail $2200) and FB-1 ($3300) I saw these recently in an audio shop but did not have time to listen to them. They use a transmission line enclosure which claims bass response to 29-28Hz. The FB-1 is a two way syatem with a 4.5 inch woofer. The next model has a bigger cabinet, is also a two way system which uses a 5.5 or 6 inch woofer. Both seem like a lot of money for a two way system whose major claim is deep bass. Need input and opinion about this product. Thank you, Jim
I checked the website. I have never heard of them before. Transmission line design has been around a long time and can be used to good effect. It is nothing new though. You can certainly audition them and decide for yourself. Re-sale may be more difficult if you don't plan to keep them. Looks like Hi-Fi Choice liked them however.
Looks like you are close to a PMC dealer, why not go back and listen? I would look forward to your review.
They've been getting some very good reviews lately, I think there was a recent rave in Positive Feedback Online and I'm sure HiFi+ has reveiwed them positively as well. I've never had a chance to hear them though. As said above, listen and let us know.