What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?

I currently own a pair of ML Summits but considering a dynamic speaker which might offer more impact, however I am not wanting to part with the exceptional mids & highs that a good electrostat brings to the table.

Which dynamic speakers seem to offer the "best of both worlds" out there?

Also am wanting to stick with tube amplification, so has to be something that is decent to drive.

Jeffreds - I was once seriously considering the Gallo Ref. 3's, but had concerns that the midrange just wouldn't be able to keep up with an electrostat in overall tonal purity.

Are the Gallo's as good as the ESL-63's in the all-important midrange?
I went from Maggie 1.6's to Energy Veritas 2.3i and don't regret it for a minute. The Energy's are better in just about every way. The only speakers line I've heard recently that I like better is the Ushers.
Went from Magnepan IIIa's to NHT 3.3 (missed the top end sweatness, but got addicted to tight solid bass) to Wilson Watt Puppy 7's. If you like the quickness and air but want the mid and low bass to be as fast and as controlled then Go listen to some Wilson Sophia's. Warning Wilsons require exacting positioning which will be done by your dealer! (another bonus) Another fast speaker would be Merlin's, but they have a different flavor.
>but had concerns that the midrange just wouldn't be able to keep up with an electrostat in overall tonal purity.<

Electrostats might have "tonal purity", but the midrange is thin and threadbare. I love their see through transparency, but I couldn't live with the lack of image density and fullness as compared to conventional speakers.

Went from Acoustat 3's to Hales System 2 Signatures to Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage's. Never looked back, the 'stat's' needed a large room and were completely lacking in dynamics compared to the others.