speakers similar to Magico Mini's

What other speakers are available that are sealed box with first order crossovers and high quality drivers? Either stand mount like the Magico or a floor stander but with a price tag a good deal south of the 22K. I have not heard the Magico's but I always seem to prefer the sound of sealed speakers. I have original B&W CM1's which are infinite baffle but not first order crossovers which sound very good and Triad 3's which have first order crossovers and are in my second system and I always am taken with the sound.
Dear Rhljazz,

I am a proud owner of a pair of Magico Mini.

First of all, they are not first-order cross over designs. I actually had the opportunity to meet with Alon Wolf a few months ago when he dropped by Hong Kong. I asked him about first-order crossovers, and his immediate response was that one must differentiate between first-order crossover electrically or acoustically... The Mini as far as I know are third order designs.

Has anything come close? I wish! I could have save a lot of money. But you are absolutely right that a good execution of a properly designed sealed enclosure sound absolutely wonderful. the bassline is SO clean and articular that any ported designs will immediately show their shortcomings.
There aren't that many sealed designs these days. If you find a 'substitute', do let me know!

Don't even bother with the B&W 805s. They are not even close to the same league... they are fine speakers, just that they should not be compared to the Magico Mini on any level.

Ultimate Monitors are interesting alternatives. But from what I understand, they are not as 'flat' as the Magico Mini, according to the reviews done by a japanese magazine. They may be worth a shot though.
dunlavy monitors or merlin monitors or harmonix bravos will compete......the ultimate in sound in my book is still the totem mani for a small musical monitor.....that is if you must have a monitor with an other the top cabinet build.
I can custom build you a loudspeaker I only use very high quality transducers, electrical parts and cabinets check my feedback.
If you spend that kind of money on those speakers and the Slimdevices is your primary source you are doing them disservice.
Rhljazz, have you thought of taking a cheaper option in monitors and integrating them with a stereo pair of seal boxed subwoofers? I think that the finest top end that you can get is probably in the ported Talon Hawk monitors and I have linked these with a pair of Velodyne DD12 subs in 2 channel. As the key advantage of sealed seems to be in the bass region, I think this is a very cost effective and interesting alternative. If you want to go completely OTT you might add a pair of supertweeters to this set up (I use the Townshend supertweeters). The only challenge then becomes one of integrating them into your system and room. This seems to exceed any single boxed designs that I know of, giving frequency extention of 17Hz-100Khz, exceptional speed and flexibility in set up.

I hope this does not seem too off beam and proves of some use.