musicdoc, thanks for letting me know how to tell by actually examining the guts of the speaker, but i wanted to know how to figure it out without de-coupling the cabinet/driver...which leads me to a mild complaint about yout post, less about stereos than communication....
"well, first it's not really a single driver speaker. it's a wide range driver coupled to an attenuated tweeter. semantics."
i know you probably did not mean it, but...
well first...if it is semantics, what's your point? that such usage is evidence that i lack status (or ??) of some sort or degree...even if the speaker designer and everyone else who talks about the TAD 803s refers to them as single driver, even when they point out that lil' horn loaded thingie on top?
if they are all wrong just give them evidence demonstrating the importance of the semantics, admittedly part of a much larger issue, as i simply enjoy sweet sounding monitors like the TAD and will refer to better references than anonymous cybernauts when i feel i need an education, semantic, electronic, or otherwise; i don't pay significant bucks for on-line access to gratify others' insecurities by enduring such passive aggression, i.e., see my prior post relevant to this same egocentrism...IMHO
season's greetings to all (including you musicdoc, whoever you are [remember Zappa at the end of Bongo Fury: "goodnight Austin Texas wherever you are"])
"information is not knowledge, knowledge is not truth, truth is not wisdom, wisdom is not beauty, beauty is not art, art is not music, music is the best"
"well, first it's not really a single driver speaker. it's a wide range driver coupled to an attenuated tweeter. semantics."
i know you probably did not mean it, but...
well first...if it is semantics, what's your point? that such usage is evidence that i lack status (or ??) of some sort or degree...even if the speaker designer and everyone else who talks about the TAD 803s refers to them as single driver, even when they point out that lil' horn loaded thingie on top?
if they are all wrong just give them evidence demonstrating the importance of the semantics, admittedly part of a much larger issue, as i simply enjoy sweet sounding monitors like the TAD and will refer to better references than anonymous cybernauts when i feel i need an education, semantic, electronic, or otherwise; i don't pay significant bucks for on-line access to gratify others' insecurities by enduring such passive aggression, i.e., see my prior post relevant to this same egocentrism...IMHO
season's greetings to all (including you musicdoc, whoever you are [remember Zappa at the end of Bongo Fury: "goodnight Austin Texas wherever you are"])
"information is not knowledge, knowledge is not truth, truth is not wisdom, wisdom is not beauty, beauty is not art, art is not music, music is the best"