how to tell if a TAD 803 is 2005 2 way version?

"2005 produced 2-ways (last of them close out priced, now gone) have a crossover with a main driver that plays up to 3kHz - many said this speaker is too hot on top. Newer 2006 crossover-less design has a 10k main driver that is directly wired to the binding posts, plays close to flat on top."

i bought a pair from a nice audiogoner who didn't realize there was an 803 and an 803sd (mine just say 803) and then i just read paul's post quoted above, so i'm wondering how i can tell what speaker it really is as i really wanted to try a single driver speaker.

as always, thanks for any help everyone
my post was in no way intended to be an indictment, criticism, sarcasm, condescension, or the like.

and no offense, but read your own reactionary post and see if it doesn't in some way reflect what you presumptuously infer about me. everyone is free to his or her own opinion, truth, reality etc.

i was simply making a point, which is the seller is misrepresenting the product to an *eensy weensy* degree. single driver by definition is just that--no more, no less.

that said, i own and enjoy what i would call the "wide range" version.

peace. may we all in some way benefit from each other's input here, even with the limitations of language, the limitations of words on a screen devoid of intonation or intention.
well said music doc, you are correct, i overstated my criticism as i am a writer and particularly sensitive to how words come across anonomously, like you said "on a screen devoid of intonation or intention." well said indeed.
in my humble defense, though, i tried to make it clear that i was not inferring anything about you personally, only pointing out how the language came across without knowing you personally. still this is no place to hash out issues like that so defintely my bad.

and johnk, while i still think your usage was in fact condenscending, i have no way of knowing if that was your intention or not (ie., if you really are condenscending) and in any case it simply does not matter as, again, this is not the place for that. i should/will assume the best instead of the worst in the spirit of the season.

again my apologies to all and most of all thanks for your willingness not just to help but to attempt to address my non-audio related issues along the way.

still interested in whether your speaker is a crossover model or crossoverless. i listened to both, and imho the latter is considerably better. fyi the last time i checked the site the crossoverless model in black was $189 (shipped price when using a postal m.o.).
Paul Grzybek e-mailed me that most crossover-less TADs have two cut outs in the grill frame (which mine do not), but then the person who sold them to me said he got them from Paul in 2006 when the crossover-less design was first produced, then Paul asked for the guy's name to check the invoice to make sure but i'm betting they are crossoverless (i just moved and have no allen wrenches to check anyway). i still haven't heard back from Paul, but considering i'm not even a customer, i must say he was very accomodating. and i really do like the speaker for the price.

i'll let you know if i hear back from paul.