Looking for a bookshelf at 2k or less.....

I tend to like speakers that can reveal a lot of high-frequency detail. The ACI sapphire IIILE's seem to hold back a bit too much for my tastes.

I just listened to the Focal 807V and was blown away...so much detail and open-ness. Anyone know how these compare (besides being cheaper) to the PSB Platinum M2 or the Pradigm S2?
I recently heard Robert Reina of Stereophile say that he specializes in reviewing low cost speakers and that there are many very good ones out there. I suggest you look up his reviews for Stereophile.
I'll second the VonSchweikert VR-1s. They are truly amazing speakers once they're broken in - about 300 hours. Mine image even better than my VS VR4JRs at 4x the price.
I wonder if Triangle loudspeakers would be of interest to you. There is certainly high frequency detail in spades here. As a matter of fact, I would say that for the money, Triangle speakers in general have one of the most detailed presentations available. Mating them with synergistic components is the key though. The comete model retails for well under $1k...