Seas Millennium Break-in time

Hi I just bought some new Tyler Acoustics Signature Monitors .The Seas tweeter is supposed to sound a little on the poor side until about 200 hours. Is this speaker(which is on it's way) really that bad until the 200 hour mark or is it not bad out of the box but improves some over the next 200 hours? How would you recommend breaking them in...playing them around the clock for 8 days at a moderate level or infrequently over two months or a louded level? I am looking for a time & level that is best & what to expect out of the box. Tyler claims he player the speaker for 24 hours to ensure everything was operating properly.


I only play the Cardas/Ayre CD about once a month. But, as far as "breaking in" goes, I didn't do anything special. I simply listened to music at whatever level is appropriate for my mood, time of day, material, etc. I don't know if the Millenium is being broken in, or not. Like anything electronic, the speaker has wire and other parts in the crossover and internal cabling...these do "break in". Just set the speakers up and enjoy...
there is a component breakin track on the disk...but it lasts for 1 and a half minutes.xlo burnin lasts that these tracks completely burnin at all frequencie extremes using brown,pink noise.i say get a fm tuner so you dont have to repeat your cd i did,shagrin!
In pink noise the amplitude is inversely proportional to the frequency ASAIK, so little goes to the tweets.

But still, 200hrs of playing? Strange.
I just posted some initial impressions regarding the Tyler Lin sig mons that arrived today & will take a couple of weeks to break in from everything I have read to date. There is one thing that I forgot to mention as part of my initial impressions. I was my disappointed with the model three stands .I unpacked them dutifully, filled them with play sand, & then was very dismayed when I realized how wobbly & unsteady these are (the model three which are the narrower ones)when compared to a well designed metal stand .I may have to invest in a good set of stands as I can not possibly see how one could get a optimal bass response or imaging out of a speaker that would move this much albeit I realize these are micro movements. I am given to understand that it is these minute movements that muddy the bass and blur the imaging.
