What are the best monitor speakers for classical?

What are the best bookshelf or monitor speakers, mounted on stands, paired with a Sunfire True Subwoofer Junior for classical music, orchestral and chamber? Associated equipment: Magnum Dynalab MD-308 integrated amp; Rega Jupiter CD player; Taddeo Digital Antidote II between CD player analogue and pre-amp inputs. Listening room: 120 sq. ft. Listening for best possible tonal balance specifically, clarity of midrange and relative sharpness/harshness or softness of high frequencies. Fullness of bass is not a concern - will purchase crossover to relieve midrange/woofer of 150 Hz and down. Also listening for imaging, i.e., projection of a 3-dimensional space; and spaciousness = the overall depth conveyed and a sense of sound happening in a real space.
My small music room is 10' x 13' with vaulted ceilings. I have the OVn Schweikert VR-1s and a small REL 108 sub. This setup is best with classical music and Jazz. See my equipment for other details, but I highly recommend the VR-1s.
I second the mention of Lipinski's - lthough I only heard them with/without a Lipinski sub. You might also try to find a used pair of Celestion SL700s.
an micro walsh...tiny footprint...with your sub, you're in the concert hall.
Shadorne - Telarc studios uses ATC speakers which are way out of my budget, thnaks anyway.
Elsneb - checked out the Callistos - way beyond what I can afford, thanks for your suggestion.
Bob Reynolds - checked out the Lipinski's - way to large for my room and I use a sub woofer not needed with the Lipinski's. Also checked out the M&K B1600's. If my amp is not the problem I will probably go with these. Thanks for your suggestion.
Daveyf - the Sonus Fabers are too expensive for me. Thanks for your suggestion.
Chadnliz - these are way too expensive for me. Thanks for your suggestion.
Tgrisham - I checked out the von Schweikerts at www.nax.com @ $1000 a pair they maybe what I want and need. thanks for your suggestion.
GSM18439 - Thanks for your suggestion.
Jaybo - thanks for your suggestion.
You need to change your post to "Best Monitor for Classical for $xxx? You asked for the best, not best on budget, hope you still find what you are looking for.