Small bookshelfs that reach 42 hz

I just about worked out what speakers to buy for the living room when the wife changed her mind from floor standers to stand mount speakers. She saw a set of B&W 805's on their dedicated stands and that was it.

Not wanting to cave in for pure aesthetics, I need to know what else to consider for a small (16" or less tall) bookshelf speaker that will allow me to reach the bottom range of a bass guitar with solidity. Please no speakers that do 50 or 60 hz and then crap out; that won't fit the bill. Price is anything up to $3000 new with stands. Nice looking matching stands are a major plus as this is the living room.

Since I haven't bought the amp yet don't worry about synergy but if you have suitable integrated recommendations that won't be above $1500 or so used I'm all ears. Many thanks.
Silverline sr-16 or sr-17 - believe it was speaker of the year or something like that a few years ago. Best bookshelves I've heard & great bass.
the test specs and the reality on loudspeakers are truly different things....just go by the way they sound to you, in your room.
if you can negotiate a bit on the monitor vs. floorstander issue, Totem Arros at 5"*7"*34" go down to 40Hz, disappear like no other, can be placed anywhere and are less intrusive than any monitor-stand I can think of with this kind of freq response....and at $1,000 a pair in gorgeous real veneer finish, that leaves you plenty of cash for a decent tube amp or hybrid and flowers for Ze Lady of Ze House. If she sees a pair in person, she will be sold...I know no female that can resist to a pair of Arro, look and sound.
Try a Marchand Bassis, you can get up to 2 octave extension in the bass. Also you can change the Q and it features switchable 20hz and rumble filters for you LP fans out there.