What is better than Bose but costs less?


I was told that Bose isn't the best, and that there are better products out there which cost less, could you tell me some of these?

I am quite confused and frustrated, as I can't find anything, i've been doing research and haven't found anything so far, except for little hints that Klipsch and Tivoli are good.

In terms of loudspeakers, and computer speakers.

But more specifically, how would Klipsch and Tivoli systems compare to Bose systems?

Please give me the most detailed answer that you can.

Thank you.
Try this. It's better than Bose and comes with a receiver.

IMHO (one is never wrong when just giving their opinion!) :-)
It's pretty safe to say....you can buy something - you can buy just about ANYTHING, and for the SAME dollars spent, it'll sound betterNbose. Much that costs LESS, does too.

And....I speculate if members here were to respond with "most detailed answer"s, you wouldn't have time during the next month to read them all!

Start with Klipsch and pick an item the same cost as a Bose item, and see for yourself.

Good Listening.