Monitor with Portal Panache & Rega Planet?

Seeking monitor speaker recommendations synergistic with Portal Panache integrated amp and Rega Planet CD player, $2,000 or under, used or new. I listen to jazz, classical, folk. Have subwoofer. Small room. Thinking about monitors from Proac, Von Schweikert, Green Mountain, RBH, Wilson... Thanks for your help!
I've really enjoyed my Silverline SR17's with the Portal. Great combination. Magical on piano music especially. Wonderful midrange and great overall balance and coherency. Disclaimer; I'm currently selling my SR17's. I'm pretty sure you can find my comments on that combination if you look to some of my older threads before I sold the Panache, and long before I put my SR17's on the market. Highly recommended combination. The Panache is a great integrated amp that should go well with a wide range of different speakers. I can't recall it not going well with anything I paired it off with, but those were the only pair of monitors I recall, the rest were floor standers. The SR17's were what I used with it the longest. Based on listening without the benefit of being paired off with the Panache, at a smaller investment I'd also suggest checking out the Era Design 5's (about $900) as a suprisingly outstanding mini monitor.

I matched the Portal with Green Mountain Europas. Excellent pairing, but as Marco says, it's hard to imagine a monitor in your price range that would not be happy with the Portal.
Well the Silverline SR-17s would probably be an excellent choice for the Portal, about as close to full range as you'll find in a monitor. The Von Schweikert monitors aren't in the same league as the others on your list IMHO. Yes I owned the VR-1s with a Portal Panache. The Silverline SR-15s would also be a good match. Oops, disclaimer time, I have a pair of SR-15s for sale here. They are the best monitors I've owned and I've owned more than a few.
But to be honest, if I were looking in your price range I'd go for the SR-17s.
Thanks for the tips, guys; will check 'em out. What about Splendor? Dynaudio? Others?