I've really enjoyed my Silverline SR17's with the Portal. Great combination. Magical on piano music especially. Wonderful midrange and great overall balance and coherency. Disclaimer; I'm currently selling my SR17's. I'm pretty sure you can find my comments on that combination if you look to some of my older threads before I sold the Panache, and long before I put my SR17's on the market. Highly recommended combination. The Panache is a great integrated amp that should go well with a wide range of different speakers. I can't recall it not going well with anything I paired it off with, but those were the only pair of monitors I recall, the rest were floor standers. The SR17's were what I used with it the longest. Based on listening without the benefit of being paired off with the Panache, at a smaller investment I'd also suggest checking out the Era Design 5's (about $900) as a suprisingly outstanding mini monitor.