Frogman, and Learsfool, although I've enjoyed music since I could hear, I never learned so much about it as now. I also realize that as much as you both know about music, my friend was beyond belief. I feel like the kid in one of those old science fiction movies, "But I saw them, I tell you I saw them!". Whatever it is, when it's beyond belief, nobody believes it.
He looked hip, he walked hip, he talked hip, he dressed hip, and he did this everyday from the time he got up until the time he went to bed, and he didn't even know it.
He was "practicing" on those gigs he played when he was living with me.. Although I was a young man then, and I'm an old man now, I just discovered this. When I was trying to prove to a local musician that I mentioned in a previous post, how good he was, I bought every recorded note I could find, but nothing even came close to the music I heard.
Some people have a photographic memory, I have a phonographic memory. Every note I hear gets recorded. The way he mesmerized the crowds at those gigs was truly astounding, and I always felt like just another fan; his performances were like snowflakes, no two were alike. No two grown men can live together for 3 months with out having arguments, and living with him was like living with a tornado; that's the way creative genius's are. When I was seated at a table in the club, they were all forgotten and I was just another mesmerized fan. That word is the only one that describes a state of being totally spellbound, "I hear it, but I don't believe it".
We heard and saw him "practicing". He was trying this new music out on us, that's why it's not recorded anywhere. He died before recording this music, that's why I can't find it and don't have it.